February 27, 2013

Did You Know That You Could Boil An Egg Without Water?

Did you know that you can boil an egg with no water?  Well now you can.  How is that possible?  Well let me tell you how that is possible.  You see, with the NuWave Pro Infrared Oven, the Revolutionary Infrared Cooking System, now you can boil an egg, with no water required.  How cool is that?

All you do is take a raw egg and put it onto the one inch rack that comes with the NuWave Pro Infrared Oven, push cook time, eight to eleven minutes.  Eight minutes for like a soft boiled egg and the eleven minutes for the egg would be to the hard boiled stage.

I could not believe this, so I had to try the egg trick in my NuWave Pro Infrared Oven for myself.  So I took a raw egg, placed it on the one inch rack that my oven came with, I pushed the cook time button, then I pushed in eleven minutes for the cook time for my egg.  I wanted my egg to be at the hard boiled stage.

So, that was the longest eleven minutes that I think that passed by.  So when my eleven minutes finally was up, I took off the lid to my NuWave Pro Infrared Oven, let the egg cool off for a couple of minutes, cracked it open, and I could not believe it!  The egg was cooked perfectly to the hard boiled stage without any water!  Amazing.

Not only will the NuWave Pro Infrared Oven boil and egg with no water, but you can prepare your eggs in the oven however that you like to eat them.  Scrambled eggs, boiled egg, baked egg, or even a fried egg.

So now that we have talked about eggs in the NuWave Pro Infrared Oven, we will see what other amazing facts that we can find out about what the oven is capable of doing.

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